Posted by "mayo" on 06/01/05 16:41
I need to write to file. After getting a customer's order I'm sending a
file to a distribution company. The company wants all the information in
a preset format which they will then parse.
The problem comes when I try to put in multiple orders. In other words
how does one use
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ))
inside a variable -- or put the results into said variable
The process I've set up is:
1. get data from session variables, $_POST and a database
(this orderID, itemsOrdered and customerAddress, etc...)
2. put it into a variable called $fileContent
3. then write $fileContent to $file
Example below:
$thisOrder= sprintf("%12d",$orderID[0]);
$thisOrder .
$_POST["shippingMethodName"] .
$a .
$b .
; // end of $fileContent
Now, I would like to put my orders into $fileContent. How does one place
the output of
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ))
into $fileContent?
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:ceo@l-i-e.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 1:13 AM
To: mayo
Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP] FW: write to file, difficulty inputting data
On Tue, May 31, 2005 5:32 pm, mayo said:
> if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
This will WIPE OUT the existing file, and write a *NEW* file, from 0,
starting from scratch.
So you'll never have anything but the LAST item.
You could use "a+" to append to the end of the file...
But you *SHOULD* be using a database to avoid concurrency issues.
You're going to have a MUCH better application if you store your data in
the database, and it's EASIER than messing with a file.
Only use a file if a database is absolutely forbidden by outside
Like badly-design homework assignments. Or not-very-smart
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