Posted by Monte Ohrt on 06/01/05 16:20
You can get around this with a temporary assign:
{assign var="pagekey" value="page_key_`$DIGIT`_value"}
But why not make easier... instead of:
$type_varname = 'page_key_' . $digit. '_type';
$this->{$type_varname} = $rs->fields['page_key_' . $digit . '_type'];
Do something like:
$this->page_key_type[$digit] = $rs->fields['page_key_' . $digit . '_type'];
Then in the template instead of creating dynamic var names, just use the
key name:
<input name="page_key_{$digit}_value"
value="{$page_obj->page_key_type.$digit}" size="10" />
Stephen J. Lawrence Jr. wrote:
> Well, I have 12 different sets of variables on this page that I
> display in a form. The html is all identical except for the variable
> names. I am trying to keep from having to hardcode 12 different HTML
> TR's for each of the vars.
> On the PHP side, I have done this:
> $this->digits =
> array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','aa','bb','cc');
> foreach($this->digits as $digit)
> {
> $type_varname = 'page_key_' . $digit. '_type';
> $this->{$type_varname} = $rs->fields['page_key_' . $digit .
> '_type'];
> }
> Then I want a foreach in the template to spin through each of the
> variables.
> {foreach from=digits item=$digit}
> <input name="page_key_{$digit}_value"
> value="{$page_obj->page_key_$DIGIT_value}" size="10" />
> {/foreach}
> the "name=page_key_{$digit}_value" part works fine, but the "value="
> part does not. The first loopthrough, the value needs to be
> $page_obj->page_key_1_value, the second through needs to be
> $page_obj->page_key_2_value, etc..
> steve
> Bill Cunningham wrote:
>> Stephen,
>> That was a much clearer explaination of what you're looking
>> for.
>> It appears that perhaps you want an array there. Something
>> like:
>> $my_obj->var[$cnt] ??
>> What about:
>> $var = "variable_1_value";
>> $my_obj->$$var ?? <<- not sure if a variable indirection
>> works in a template though.
>> Maybe it would help if you told us exactly why you are
>> trying to achieve this. Are you trying to auto create a
>> bunch of templates?
>> - Bill
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