Posted by P4tryk on 10/31/72 11:49
Uzytkownik "Els" <> napisal w wiadomosci
> P4tryk wrote:
> Apart from the fact that I find it quite weird to see a frameset in XHTML
> (you should use XHTML 1.0 Frameset if you use frames), and frames
> themselves being a very oldfashioned way of doing things while there are
> much better ways to accomplish what you want,
I thing it's the only way (exept AJAX) to limit the reloading same data.
It incereses usability of my web application.
> I'd say the white 'border'
> isn't a border, but a space:
Call it what you like ;) , but it behaves like border, I can change size
using it.
>> framespacing="3px"
no the framespacing is not supported by FF
> What happens if you set that to 0?
nothing in FF
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