Reply to Re: Unicode (UTF-8)

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Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/07/06 15:00

Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> "Dylan Parry" <> skrev i meddelandet
>> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
>>>> Why are you talking to yourself? :s
>>> I was under the impression that Tony misunderstood me.....
>> What on Earth do you expect when you set out your ideas over hundreds of
>> replies to your own messages? Start by opening your newsreader, compose
>> a new message, lay out *all* of your ideas in the new message, read
>> through it to check you haven't missed anything, then, and *only* then,
>> hit the send button.
>> You really don't help your cause by posting hundreds of nonsensical
>> messages when you could have easily made the effort to at least appear
>> to not be comprising several multiple personalities.
> I have already expressed my opinion.
> Have a nice week.

What you do expect Luigi? You ask questions, and many folks have *tried*
of offer *absolutely* viable solutions and options for you which you
summarily dismiss, sometimes for some of the most idiotic reasons! When
this lunacy is brought to your attention to dismiss *them* as well! It
reminds me of when I was raising sheep...when they get it in their minds
that they want to go from point A to point B they insist on going in a
straight line regardless of what lies between and that the answer is to
go *around* the fence to the gate!

Take care,


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