Posted by dave hillstrom on 06/08/06 16:13
On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 17:08:26 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
<usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
>On Wed, 7 Jun 2006 18:52:46 -0500, trippy <silverbells@tacoshells.com>
>>> >> http://www.backwater-productions.net
>>> >> http://www.backwater-productions.net/hatter-blog
>>> >Why don't you just film yourself jacking off, since that's all you do
>>> >in your pathetic blog anyway.
>>> Feel the hate! LOL...why don't you let me know how you REALLY feel,
>>> Drippy.
>>I've already told you. You're a complete waste of oxygen, that should
>>never post again.
>But then who would you be all angry and pissy about all day long?
-the US government as a whole
-The IRS
-The weather
-all the deaths by war in the world
-that there are no striped m&m candy
-that star trek transporters or stargate stargates havent been
invented for public use yet
-that the RIAA exists
-that college tuition and books arent free
face it, baby matt, you just arent needed by anyone.
oh, and you still havent answered my one simple question. you know.
the one you so cowardly ran away from. so here it is again, if you
didnt see the massive spank in alt.flame and, well, all over:
come on, matthew, whats to like about you?
you can find the full discussion here:
Message-ID: <e5uugh$3hv$67@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>
now, why dont you just follow trippys advice, hmmm? in your case, i
think it probably the best course of action you could choose.
maybe MySpace, or whatever its called, is more your style. Wavy G
said it was terribly juvenile, which seems just your speed.
Dave Hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
"I can't find my puppy, can you help me find him? I think he went
into this cheap motel room."
-Dave Hillstrom
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