Reply to Re: Column width woes

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Posted by Martin Jay on 06/08/06 16:56

In message <>, Paul Lautman
<> writes
>Below are 2 table definitions, the first with 3 columns and the second with
>Can anyone point me to the reason why the first column is being rendered
>with a different width in the 2 tables?

> <TR>
> <IMG SRC="images/title1.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="100" VSPACE="0"
>HSPACE="0" BORDER="0"></TD>
> <td style="visibility:visible"><A HREF="mail.htm"><IMG
>SRC="images/mail.gif" WIDTH="123" HEIGHT="62" VSPACE="0" HSPACE="0"
> </TR>
> </table>

Browsers will shuffle the contents of tables around to try and get them
to fit.

In the example you posted you've given the second table a width of
440px, and the first column of that table same width. That doesn't
leave any room of the second column, so browsers will shrink the first
column to try and make room for the second.
Martin Jay
Phone/SMS: +44 7740 191877
Fax: +44 870 915 2124

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