Posted by dave hillstrom on 06/09/06 00:08
On Thu, 8 Jun 2006 13:12:17 -0500, Kali <kali@databasix.com> wrote:
>In article <e69o2q$nrh$40@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>, posted
>Thu, 08 Jun 2006 13:51:23 -0400, dave hillstrom dAvE@MeOw.oRg
>>On Thu, 8 Jun 2006 11:48:02 -0500, Kali <kali@databasix.com> wrote:
>>>In article <e69gk6$nrh$26@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>, posted
>>>Thu, 08 Jun 2006 11:44:06 -0400, dave hillstrom dAvE@MeOw.oRg
>>>>On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 16:00:53 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
>>>><usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
>>>>>On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 23:33:36 +1000, Lionel <nop@alt.net> wrote:
>>>>poor little baby matt.
>>>>>Have your eyes popped out yet, Lionel:
>>>>looks like regular eyes to me. nothing marty feldmanish about those
>>>>eyes, matthew.
>>>Lionel has eyes like the ocean; the kind women want to swim in.
>>i didnt say that, even though its true, because, of course, i want
>>women looking into my blue/green/gold eyes. <eyelash flutter>
>Hey! Mine are the same, green first, tho :) Do you have dark
>brown hair, too? All the girls are supporting me in email,
>asking for daev.gifs.
yes. dark brown hair. with reddish highlights. and a bunch of grey,
heh. that is, when i let it grow i have hair. when i finally got on
disability, i made the decision that if people dont like how i want to
look, they can leave. i spent too many years worrying about looks for
jobs and women that didnt work out. fuck that. ive enough stress
anyway. so 3 years ago in the middle of the florida summer, i went
into the bathroom, took out the electric hair clippers, and ran it all
over my face and head. and i was happy. nowadays, if i get up and
can see bedhead in the mirror (which i used to get in a WORLD CLASS
WAY), or if im sweating even more than normal, the clippers of freedom
come out again!! yay!
arent there deav gifs up at www.meow.org, on the picture server? or
did i forget to up them. prolly the latter. i have AWESOME pics from
thanksgiving 1997, and some evul pics of my wedding so long ago, but
someone drew in mustaches on my ex-wife. ive a lot of my kitteis.
but since they dont have thumbs, i dont have many pics of me. i
suppose i could learn how to do the timer thingie on my canon a510...
but i dont think my hair is ~anywhere~ as nice as PJRs, who i just
want to pat like a kittei. heheheheheee
>> i
>>guess im selfish that way.
>>>> are you hallucinating again? i hear that happens with
>>>>meth heads like you. maybe you could point out another normal picture
>>>>for us with some crazy claim. it could be a good game, i think.
>>>More like a Usenet Rorschach test.
>>>He virtually said he thinks vaginas are dangerous, illegal, and
>>>addictive, like crack cocaine.
>>sounds like hed be so very much happier if he could just admit to
>>himself, and the world, that he is gay. and a meth head. that too.
>Poor Matthew; perhaps among his worst fears is discovery of the
>fact that there is simply nothing special about him at all.
damn. youre probably right. so he doesnt even want to look. and
makes up these elaborate whatevers to keep his mind off it?
to me, now, thats nearly inconceivable, not really wanting to know who
you are regardless of rotten spots. which ive got plenty of!!! but,
now, i also know what a number of my truly wonderful attributes are.
and without knowing what the real deal is, how can one really have a
hope of improving ones self?
hes sort of like a codependant woman who keeps going back to the man
that beats her up.
Dave Hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
"I can't find my puppy, can you help me find him? I think he went
into this cheap motel room."
-Dave Hillstrom
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