Posted by Lionel on 06/09/06 04:57
On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 14:28:17 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
<usenet@backwater-productions.net> opined:
>On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 22:54:46 +1000, Lionel <nop@alt.net> wrote:
>>On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 23:23:13 -0400, dave hillstrom <dAvE@MeOw.oRg>
>>>On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:34:42 +1000, Lionel <nop@alt.net> wrote:
>>>>On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 15:31:39 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
>>>><usenet@backwater-productions.net> opined:
>>>>>On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 00:56:58 +1000, Lionel <nop@alt.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>Matthew is a kiddie pron distributor?
>>>>>>>What a scumbag.
>>>>>>Here's part of a post in which he claims that the kiddie pron on his
>>>>>>site isn't 'really' kiddie pr0n:
>>>>><snip - faked post>
>>>>>Apparently Lionel has been going through and faking Google posts
>>>>So what you're claiming is that I'm some kind of uber-hacker who's
>>>>somehow managed to fake hundreds of entire threads about your
>>>>kidie-pr0n collection, then somehow managed to insert them into
>>>>Googles database so that they seamlessly fit into your posting history
>>>>from back before I'd even heard of you?
>>>hes a meth head, thats why.
>>>>> and
>>>>>attempting to rewrite history. Here's more proof:
>>>>How is one of The Bowtard's recent sporgery tantrums 'proof' that *I*
>>>>have fucked over Googles records of your posting history from *seven
>>>>years* ago?
>>>hes a meth head, thats why.
>>>>>Seems Lionel has gone all Hipcrime on us and is desperately attempting
>>>>>to hide the fact that he's a spankard and a four year AUK runaway.
>>>>Seems you've just realised that (1) you were pretty clueless about
>>>>kiddie-pr0n laws back in '99, & that (2) pretty much everyone on
>>>>Usenet hates kiddie-diddlers.
>>>hes a meth head, thats why.
>>>>>Hey Lionel, here's an idea, if you're going to fake posts...try and
>>>>>make it so that it actually SOUNDS like something I would type...you
>>>>>fuckin retard.
>>>>Actually, it was the fact that those posts are *exactly* your usual
>>>>grandiose, overly-defensive style that first led me to the "Mad
>>>>Hatter" == "Matthew Moulton of Walla Walla, Washington" == "Baby
>>>>Matthew" connection in the first place.
>>>hes a meth head, thats why.
>>>doesnt it just make sense?
>>It does.
>Is meth the reason why you ran away for FOUR FUCKING YEARS Lionel?
Which 'FOUR FUCKING YEARS' would those be, kiddie-diddler?
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
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