Posted by Ed Mulroy on 06/09/06 11:53
> (There are just as many tutorials on designing sites
> with tables...)
Now that you mention it, there probably are. I just never looked for them
before :-)
.. Ed
> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote in message
> news:DP5ig.8414$
>> Tables are easy. CSS is not easy.
> I thought that as well, about five or six years ago. After futzing with
> it for a few weeks, it suddenly clicked. Picture a big light bulb over
> the head like in a cartoon. I do mean it *clicked!* A big Ahhh-HA!
> I've never looked back. <g>
>> If it were then there wouldn't be so many megs of blogs and web site
>> tutorials trying to explain how to do the same things that tables do.
> Read a bunch of them myself, after the fact. My feeling is that most are
> trying to turn on that light bulb for the millions of web authors who
> haven't found the switch on their own.
> Man in forest chops down tree with axe; takes twenty minutes. Logger
> walks up, gives him chain saw and explains how to start it; next tree
> felled in two minutes.
> (There are just as many tutorials on designing sites with tables...)
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