Posted by Ed Mulroy on 06/09/06 12:03
> Left align is the default. Why would you need to state it?
To get it to display correctly. The tables are next to each other.
If set in the table header then the two columns flow down side by side.
Should the browser window be too narrow, a horizontal scroll bar appears,
allowing you access to the hidden content.
If set by CSS then should the window be too narrow, half of the page
dissapears - relocated below the bottom of the window. The size of window
at which the display of the page is effected is also larger than when the
<table align= is used.
.. Ed
> Neredbojias wrote in message
> news:Xns97DCF33EC59E1httpwwwneredbojiasco@
>> I would appreciate it if people were kind enough to suggest how I
>> might fix my page.
>> I have run into difficulty while trying to migrate from HTML 4.01
>> Transitional to 4.01 Strict.
> ...
>> The HTML validator gives complaints in strict mode.
>> http://validator.w3.org/
>> The 'target' word in a link like that below generates an error: (line 36)
>> <a href="the_url" target="_blank">link description</a>
>> What scheme is used under 4.01 strict to specify a link be opened in a
>> new window? (please, not javascript)
> Wow, you seemed to have spawned a plethora of opinionated opinions. So, I
> may as well join in.
> There is no "target" attribute in non-frames html 4.01 strict. Forget it.
> Or use transitional.
>> On line 18 I received a complaint about 'align'
>> <table align="left" width="22%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
>> However all attempts to remove the 'align' and handle it with CSS
>> results in the right hand table being moved down the page to past the
>> bottom of the left hand menu column.
> Left align is the default. Why would you need to state it?
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