Posted by Travis Newbury on 06/09/06 16:20
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On 9 Jun 2006 02:40:39 -0700, "Travis Newbury"
> <TravisNewbury@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >er.... Hatter.... You admittedly use Swish... Swish is a (to quote
> >you) "training pants programs, default transitions, templates and
> >canned crap effects..."
> >So does that make you (again your words) "just some fuckin loser "
> Not when 20% of my finished Flash files are original, pure, straight
> coded Actionscript.
I have seen your flash, and decompiled the code. You are a liar.
> And Swish isn't the same as Macromedia
Your right, it isn't the same. It is a toy compared to Flash.
> it doesn't come with any
> tutorials or wizards or any such bullshit.
Come on hatter who you trying to kid, Swish is an application that
simplifies (dumbs down) Macromedia Flash. The entire thing is a wizard!
> It does come with a
> variety of default transition effects...none of which I'm really
> making use of, I prefer my own custom stuff.
Then your "custom stuff" is duplicating the transitions that come
included because that is what you are using (remember, I decompiled
your code)
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