Posted by dorayme on 06/10/06 02:03
In article <9ab74$448a180b$40cba795$18587@NAXS.COM>,
"Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
> > In article <c2852$4489b70c$40cba7b4$2306@NAXS.COM>,
> > "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote:
> >
> >> http://www.littleworksstudio.com/Amberlithe/
> >
> > I used to do some horiz menus like yours:
> >
> > <div>
> > <a
> > href="http://N.webring.com/wrman?ring=ibizanring;sid=23;addsite">J
> > oin Now</a>
> > | <a href="ht
> >
> > etc
> >
> > Simple and effective. Might go back to it as I often don't end up
> > using the power to style other things in such a simple horiz
> > "list" when using fancy doodle lists with just left or right or
> > both left and right only borders to make for a separator.
> >
> Sorry not sure what your are saying here.
One can make a horizontal line of links in at least two ways:
<div>TextLink | TextLink | TextLink | TextLink</div>
or via (with display:inline; on the <li>s)
<li> TextLink</li>
<li> TextLink</li>
<li> TextLink</li>
For many simple lines of links, the former is the simplest and
quickest if one does not want any background boxes and fancy
hover effects (save on the links - <a ...> - themselves). But it
involves mixing presentation with content. (...doing the wrong
thing is so easy and effective in isolated cases)
> > Perhaps you might be thinking it is not really a list, this under
> > the "Ibizan Hound Webring"?
> >
> If you look at the source, that code really is not mine, it is some
> tweaked web ring crap. I was supposed to use the JavaScript insertion
> that is commented out, but it was so full of errors that I just tweaked
> the output and put 'fixed' results hard-coded. Been trying for years to
> get them to fix it, but now I have just given up!
Ah, so it was not yours, that explains it, I know you are very
strict. So, if you don't cheat and use "|" (the key that is under
the delete key (at least on a Mac) and needs to be used in
conjunction with the shift key) for presentational separators in
a line of links, blowed if I am going to do it either...
But I miss the utter simplicity of it and the nicer look of the
seperator from that of the border. You see, I think the problem
in the looks is this: I like the part where the separator is not
as tall as the text, look at the y and p, how they protrude down:
p | y
Never mind why I like this for now. I can't immediately see how
to achieve this with borders.
But there will be little patience by most here for such obsessive
details - "just use left or right borders in the usual way, 1px
and shut up, dorayme!"
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