Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 06/11/06 20:18
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Stefan Mueller"
<> writing in news:e6hqqv$16qo$
> On my webpage I'd like to show several small pictures which people can
> click to get the large pictures.
> I do that with
> <a href="big_picture.gif"><img src="small_picture.gif"></a>
> The problem is, that if the browser window is not big enough the big
> picture is not shown in its original size. I gets automatically
> resized so that it fits to the browser window.
> How can I avoid that? I'd like to have scroll bars in the browser
> window instead.
> Stefan
As others have said, this is something the user's browser does. What you
could do, however, is have a note that says something like "To enjoy the
large images in their original size, please disable automatic image
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Arbpen Web Site Design Services
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