Posted by Lamey The Cable Guy on 06/11/06 21:29
On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 17:17:19 -0400, dave hillstrom <dAvE@MeOw.oRg>
>On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 14:57:07 GMT, Lamey The Cable Guy wrote:
>>On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 05:07:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
>><usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 13:19:33 +0200, Veronica Karlsson
>>><veronica.karlsson@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
>>>>> "=^.FixCat.^=" wrote:
>>>>> >Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>> >> Smee wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> [...]
>>>>> >> > Whatever . . .
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> > Y'see, fixcat, knoxy's not here for him to argue with, and apparently,
>>>>> >> > he's decided it's your turn in the barrel. All you gotta do is disagree
>>>>> >> > with anything he says.
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> > Hey, it makes him happy.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> It does not. Shup.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Yo Tim - you Hatter's little bitch now? Speaking for him? Whewwwwy.
>>>>> Uh oh, there's that "Hatter of us" mentality. You know, Bumbles, I'm
>>>>> pretty sure that Tim is a Netter...in which case he's not so much
>>>>> about the whole "online friends" bit and doesn't hold much feelings
>>>>> one way or the other. It's sorta like I could verbally spar with him
>>>>> in one post and then in the next agree with him on something...there's
>>>>> no feeling there, no emotion, no interpersonal desires, it's just
>>>>> Usenet kiddo...get the fuck over yerself already, LOL.
>>>>friends = bad
>>>>feelings = bad
>>>>no emotion = good
>>>>no interpersonal desires = good
>>>You're missing the whole ONLINE part. Because of the incredible
>>>ambiguity and sheer loss of communication (upwards of 80 to 90 percent
>>>in a pure text environment) you have to take everything online with a
>>>grain of salt. Because of that fact attempting to use the environment
>>>to meet your emotional/social/love needs is volatile and failing at
>>>best. Simply put, human beings were not designed to interact in this
>>>manner, so in order to avoid psychological trauma you need to learn
>>>how to distance yourself emotionally from what you're reading online.
>>>In other words, the way you and your little "friends" are attempting
>>>to use the Internet is NOT healthy.
>>Does that explain you're 100 or so responses filled with emotion?
>youre asking that like he has a clue about what goes on in his own
Hadn't thunk about that. Good point though.
Was hoping he would jump on my *you're* thingie, but I reckon he's
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