Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 06/11/06 22:31
Michael Laplante <nowhereman@twilightzone.net> scripsit:
> In the absence of a doctype declaration, what do browser do?
Popular browsers go to "quirks" mode, i.e. intentionally misbehave.
> Is there a default based on strict compliance?
I understand all the words, and I can parse the question grammatically, but
it still makes no sense to me. Please rephrase.
> Fall back to some sort of transitional setting?
There is no "transitional setting".
Contrary to what you seem to believe, and what some authorities might seem
to be telling you, browsers do not actually change their behaviour according
to the document type declaration. For example, if you declare a Strict
doctype, they don't start ignoring elements and attributes that do not
belong to the Strict version.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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