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Posted by TravisNewbury on 06/12/06 10:43

Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> A toy, huh? So you're trying to claim that there's something you can
> do with Macromedia Flash that you CAN'T do with SwishMax? Well, pray
> tell Doofy, just WHAT exactly would that be?

Here are a few:
XML Sockets.
The ability to create custom components.
Actionscript classes and reusability.
SWISH's scripting is a subset of that available with Flash.
Defining symbols without placing on stage.
Shape tweening .. (but you can triangulate and apply 3D effects etc.)
No video import yet (unless you convert to SWF or animated GIF)

You can google for some more if you like.

> Oh, hey, here's where you get to look STUPID again! I know how much
> you love that. `, )

Hatter you are so funny. Is it possible for you to have a real
discussion or must you always put on your silly argumentative hat, or
start name calling when you have nothing intelligent to say?

> >
> First of all, Kiddie, yer showing off yer ignorance by continually
> referring to it as "Swish"'s SwishMax, stupid, as opposed to say
> Swish Sites or Swish2 or Swish Lite or any of the other half dozen
> applications they've got.

snore.... Come on hatter arguing about a name? Do you have no better
argument than that?

> Further, you don't seem to understand what
> a "wizard" is because there is NO step by step...anything in SwishMax.

They are called templates in swish (swishmax)

> They've got an option under "File" for "Examples", but those are just
> finished Flash files, there's not steps or "how to", you bumbling
> idiot. Unlike Macromedia Flash where...well hrmmm, like you were you
> trying to project, the whole THING is practically a wizard.

Too funny.

> I mean
> from the very first time you run that proggie it starts puttin you
> through the whole step wise process.

Even funnier.

> Remember, you didn't decompile anything (you wouldn't even know how,
> as fucking stupid as you are). They have a
free download so everyone can decompile Hatters code and see what I am
talking about.

Steps to decompile:
1: Go to hatters site and look at a flash object he made

2: Go to your temp Internet files folder and copy the SWF file to a
different directory. (
will put Hatters amazing menu system in your temp Internet files

3: Start Sothink and open hatters swf. Check out the code... (snicker
snicker) You can even check out the simple canned transitions he used.

> And even if you could decompile one of
> them,

Hatter you misspelled "did"

Hatter, I am not trying to belittle what you have done. Just putting
it in perspective. Swish (max) is a great program. It is powerful it
can produce some awesome flash, but it is still only a subset of Flash.
And it always will be. If you continue to grow in your software
development skills, you will eventually see that. Right now at your
skill level you are probably better off with Swish. Maybe down the
road you will have the need to actually learn Flash. Then again, you
can probably go through your entire career and never use anything more
than Swish (max)

Now it is your turn to talk about my mother, and how you fucked her, or
some other silly thing you rant about when you have nothing to say...

[Back to original message]

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