Posted by fred.haab@gmail.com on 06/13/06 01:07
Stefan Mueller wrote:
> On my webpage I'd like to show several small pictures which people can click
> to get the large pictures.
> I do that with
> <a href="big_picture.gif"><img src="small_picture.gif"></a>
> The problem is, that if the browser window is not big enough the big picture
> is not shown in its original size. I gets automatically resized so that it
> fits to the browser window.
> How can I avoid that? I'd like to have scroll bars in the browser window
> instead.
> Stefan
I know I'm going to get slaughtered for saying this, as most of the
zealots out there will tell you this is highly inappropriate use for
tables (and they'd be right), but simply slapping the image in a table
will stop the big three (Firefox, IE, and Opera) from scaling the
Now, please take into consideration everything everyone else has
said... you probably shouldn't do this... but the option is there if
you insist.
It's kind of like wearing a seatbelt... you have the option not to wear
one, but it's probably not a wise decision.
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