Posted by dorayme on 06/03/05 01:41
> From: "Guy Doucet" <someone@somewhere.nb.ca>
> "dorayme" <dorayme@optusnet.com.au> wrote in message
> news:BEC4FD1F.122B2%dorayme@optusnet.com.au...
>>> From: "Guy Doucet" <someone@somewhere.nb.ca>
>>> This is just an example of the real site I'm working on, but this
> example
>>> works the same way.
>>> http://www3.nbnet.nb.ca/gljsd/map/index.htm
>> Excuse me for not dealing with this particular url (it is too crazy for
>> words on my browsers...
> This is just an example of how it works. In this example, I made the popup
> window bigger than the sub window making it easier ... to View Source.
This never occurred to me as your motive. I mostly key command source code
anyway...and I bet not much would stop others on this newsgroup ferreting
your code out. At least make the real thing user sizeable unlike in your
example, scroll bars are not enough.
> map is approx 2000x2000 pixels, and the window is 650 x 1000 pixels which
> fits on our monitors which are set to 1024 x 768 pixels. So it's not really
> a small window.
Not sure why these figures? Are the monitors portrait? Anyway, you need to
think about this business of the pop up. The pop up is ideal for situations
where you have a small amount of info, especially pictorial, that can be
referred to without losing one's place on the main site. To squeeze a 2000 x
2000 in it with scroll bars defeats the purpose somewhat. And how would you
have the relevant bit of the map showing at first? People would have to
scroll away till they saw something bright and backlit and all singing and
dancing. Nah...
Guy, I would not do this. I would either make the pop up with just a fixed
pic showing the office concerned and a bit of the surrounding context. Yes,
you have to prepare 50 or more pics. So work! Where are you? Here in Sydney
it is very hard because the beach beckons but maybe you are in some place
where it is better to be distracted by image editing (eg in some nervous
making earthquake prone place)
> I will re-examine your earlier post.
I am not sure why you splice the map into table cells. One possible reason
was that someone might look at one office, and then want to look at another
- in which case all the cells that are common to the two maps will load
instantly (because of the caching of many of the sub-images). But since you
said speed is no issue, it is in an office somewhere, in-house, what is the
point of table cells?
Look, why not keep it simple, honestly. Assume folk know their city and
prepare just small local maps for the offices (with a link to the big one
for those who might want to see the whole - no highlights) If you have the
pop up, you will need javascript I think. You can just use target _Blank in
the html instead. Or nothing. Just simple link to the relevant bit of the
map and they use their back buttons...
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