Posted by dorayme on 06/14/06 21:38
In article
vivekaseeja@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a web page where there are two frames. The left hand side frame
> has a list. When a row in a list is clicked, the other frame's contents
> need to be changed. The right hand frame needs to be a single html
> page, so i imagine have to hide and unhide content somehow.
> Thanks in advance,
> vivekian
The right hand side is a frame in which appear different html
pages. If there are links in the left frame, clicking one of them
can make a particular html page appear in the right frame. The
magic of frames you see...
As for hiding, it is part of the magic, a deep part. When a
particular html page is not being called, it sits patiently on
the server, a bit like a shy girl on a dance floor waitting for
someone to ask her to dance. By not being called, she is not
present on the dance floor.
How to do things with frames? Why not take a look at
But be bloody quick before spoilsports put you right off them...
or you will miss out on some genuinely good fun... they are hated
with a passion around here.
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