Posted by DA Morgan on 06/03/05 00:45
Erland Sommarskog wrote:
>>What we are seeing, in practical terms, is the death of T-SQL rather
>>than an effort, by Microsoft, to fix it. Inviting more cooks into the
>>kitchen may sell more frying pans. But it does not improve the quality
>>of the food being prepared.
> Huh? This simply does not make any sense at all. What is Microsoft
> supposed to fix? T-SQL is by no means dead. There are significant
> improvments to T-SQL in SQL 2005.
Let me emphasize that this is just personal opinion. But I believe that
when VB and C# are available in SQL Server ... Transact will die ... a
slow death but a death non-the-less. I expect a very different
experience from what we saw in the Oracle world with Java in the
database where the majority of developers didn't change.
> OK, some people who speak Visual Basic as their first language, also write
> some SQL statements, and these may be of inferior quality. I don't know
> about systems that uses Oracle as DBMS, but I cannot see why the same
> thing could happen there. Maybe traditions are different, but that is not
> inherit in the product.
I partially agree. The difference is that VB can not be written inside
other database products and there is a culture that would toss a VB
programmer on their head if they tried. I know plenty of DBAs that
wouldn't even consider letting Java inside if it was internally written.
> Another things to consider is that many today do not write stored
> procedure, but send their SQL statements from the client. If they
> move that code into the server, there is at least some improvement
> in terms fewer network roundtrips, although it might still be a poor
> design.
I agree with what you've said. But it opens the door for them to do
what they have generally been precluded from doing before: Design
tables, views, etc. It blurs the line. And having seen schemas
designed by Java developers I tremble in fear at what the VB crowd
might be capable of doing.
Daniel A. Morgan
(replace x with u to respond)
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