Posted by Ed Mulroy on 12/03/52 11:50
> dorayme wrote in message
> I wish you would not top post! It makes it hard for others...
> I am glad you are starting to ul and float things. What you
> described is not quite what I said but you may have made
> some typos: why would you float a right table left?
> Ah yes, you meant float right... No, that is not what I would
> suggest or did suggest. Don't float that table at all! Float
> the ul left and the table not at all (or left - but this might
> confuse you). The reason I say this is not that you have
> done something very very bad, but simply because it is
> inelegant to leave such a gap between the nav col and the
> content. A gap that is at the mercy of the browser window.
> On my 20" monitor at full screen it just looks silly!
In deference to your request I am bottom posting this. Isn't it nice to
have to slog through what you already wrote to get to my reply? :-)
If I remove the float spec to the table then the list appears below the
table. If I add float:left to the <ul> nothing changes.
What am I missing?
I've put the CSS into the HTML page so that it can all be seen in one lump.
.. Ed
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