Posted by sorry.no.email on 06/18/06 08:55
On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 08:48:55 +1000, dorayme
<doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
>In article <QNOdnZ4diY55ywnZnZ2dnUVZ_qWdnZ2d@giganews.com>,
> Jim Moe <jmm-list.AXSPAMGN@sohnen-moe.com> wrote:
>> > http://people.aapt.net.au/~adjlstrong/
>> >
>> > It is a somewhat self-indulgent project and I am not too sure of the
>> > ethics of borrowing so heavily (even if acknowledged) from the 2 sites
>> > credited at the top of the page?
>> >
>> The middle section which describe what's available, makes what's
>> available more difficult to understand than it should be. A list would be
>> more appropriate than a paragraph.
>I disagree. It is fine as it is in this respect: there is very
>little info to absorb, list would just take up more vertical
>Keep up simple as much as possible. You might max-width this
>particular content so it is easier to read, at least on modern
>browsers on big screens.
Hi Dorayme,
Thanks for these comments. I will add max-width, I assume you mean to
the paragraph text? I am not prepared to add the hacks to get this to
work in IE6 which I understand ignores max-width:
Definitely the plan is to keep simple, I would prefer to do simple
well rather than complex badly :-)
Thanks again for your assistance,
Andrew Strong
w(s pa/nt' a)/gan ai)nikta\ ka)safh= le/geis.
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