Reply to Re: Determining the font characteristics of any web page?

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Posted by Peter Olcott on 06/18/06 19:50

"Jonathan N. Little" <> wrote in message
> Peter Olcott wrote:
>> "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <a.nony.mous@example.invalid> wrote in message
>> It will do whatever the browser does, the browser must ultimately determine a
>> point size, so by whatever means the browser uses, I must also use.
> You are missing BTS's point. What the ultimate font size depends on user
> settings so *my* browser may display the same page differently that BTS's and
> differently from yours! So when your say "It will do whatever the browser
> does" who's browser?

All the I need it the point size that the browser the user is using determines.
It okay is this is not the same on any other browser as long as it is this same
as the specific browser that the user is using.

>>> Points are still for printing.
> BTS is also correct here, *points* are a measurement for outputting to a
> printer not a display! The units pt, cm, in reality do not work for displays
> because all depend on the monitor settings.
> --
> Take care,
> Jonathan
> -------------------

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