Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/18/06 21:31
long eddy wrote:
> Using Dell PC
> on
> Win98 / P III @ 300 mhz
> ====================
> Is there a piece of hardware - like a pen tablet or stylus?- that I can use
> instead of a mouse - when using PSP, Photoshopp or Flash that would make
> drawing shapes easier - with more control?
> I'm not certain what this thing would be called.
> If anybody has any suggestions - I would appreciate it.
> Thank you.
Yesssssss. Not sure what this has to do the HTML. One note though, most
tablets are USB and Win98 USB support for such drivers and a bit flaky I
have found. I have one, didn't really work very well until upgraded to
Win2k. Personally I find getting a really good mouse is better and
cheaper solution. The new laser mice are very good.
Take care,
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