Reply to Re: Determining the font characteristics of any web page?

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Posted by TC on 06/19/06 04:55

Peter Olcott wrote:

> All the I need it the point size that the browser the user is using determines.
> It okay is this is not the same on any other browser as long as it is this same
> as the specific browser that the user is using.

*What* "specfic browser that the user is using" ?

At present I use two browsers (IE and NS), and for reasons that aren't
important here, I have each of them set to a *different default font

So for me, most pages render differently, depending on which browser I

So what is the "specific browser" that I am usng? Which of the *two*
default font sizes do you need?

I think you will see, from this example, that your question actually
does not make sense. There is no "specific" browser per user. There is
no "one" default font size per user. The concept that you have in your
mnd, does not reflect how things actually work.

TC (MVP MSAccess)

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