Posted by dorayme on 06/19/06 07:08
In article <lv3yiualr4g5$.96cdaqnnanwq$.dlg@40tude.net>,
Els <els.aNOSPAM@tiscali.nl> wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
> > CSS:
> >
> > ul {margin:0;padding:0;}
> > li {list-style-type:none;margin:0;padding:0;display:inline;}
> >
> Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but if you write the
> list without space or newline between the list items, like so:
> <ul><li>Item1</li><li>Item2</li><li>Item3</li></ul>, the visual space
> between the items will also disappear.
> Then, with margin-left/right, you can set the exact space you like.
This is exactly what I want! Thanks for this Els...
I confess, when I read this I did not believe it for a sec...
what! But you are right. It is most interesting and news. I
guess I don't know about whitespace in css sheets affecting the
instructions. Thought browsers ignored more than 1 whitespace,
and so probably they did not care about 0 whitespace as long as
all the : and ; and { were there right. I know some whitespace
is needed in some specs to fix paths like "body p {...}" to tell
style paras that are children of body... that sort of thing...
and I know about white space in pre in html and some trouble with
Mac IE with whitespace... But what you are saying, I did not know.
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