Reply to Re: Css-Layout vs Table-Layout

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Posted by Philip on 06/19/06 14:43

In article <>,
"Habib" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> After I designed my page (using tables), while I was surfing the web I
> considered a professional looking web site which had been used DIV tags
> instead of tables, with many css classes. Designing in div layers is
> much more time consuming and more skillful. so there should be a good
> reason for using table-less layout. I searched the group and I found
> some topics. but I still have a few Questions as follows:
> - I've read in a post (2003) "using tables to display tabular data is
> right but never use them to layout structuring." but why?
> - As I've got curious I visited some famous websites and I checked the
> code. for example uses tables for layout, but css
> <div>, <ul> and <li> for header menu items. so combined both of them. I
> mixed up! if div is good for menu how it's not perfect for the other
> parts?
> - Which one is perfect for search engines ranking? Does it affect?
> - Another thing was that they had been used 10 tables with 5 rows each,
> while they could put all tabular data in a single table with 50 rows.
> does it have any benefit (using several tables instead of one I mean)?

Hullo Habib,
This same topic was discussed over in
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html just last week. The thread is called
"tablles vs css". Here's a link:

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