Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 06/19/06 15:15
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Habib" <hpourfard@gmail.com>
writing in news:1150711871.949402.147180@p79g2000cwp.googlegroups.com:
> Hi,
> After I designed my page (using tables), while I was surfing the web I
> considered a professional looking web site which had been used DIV tags
> instead of tables, with many css classes. Designing in div layers is
> much more time consuming and more skillful. so there should be a good
> reason for using table-less layout. I searched the group and I found
> some topics. but I still have a few Questions as follows:
> - I've read in a post (2003) "using tables to display tabular data is
> right but never use them to layout structuring." but why?
> - As I've got curious I visited some famous websites and I checked the
> code. for example fifaworldcup.com uses tables for layout, but css
><div>, <ul> and <li> for header menu items. so combined both of them. I
> mixed up! if div is good for menu how it's not perfect for the other
> parts?
> - Which one is perfect for search engines ranking? Does it affect?
> - Another thing was that they had been used 10 tables with 5 rows each,
> while they could put all tabular data in a single table with 50 rows.
> does it have any benefit (using several tables instead of one I mean)?
> Thanks a lot!
> Habib
In addition to what others have said, don't get into the trap of
replacing bloated tables with bloated divs. Use the right tool for the
job. If it's a list, like a menu, then use an unordered list. If it's a
heading, use a heading. If it's a paragraph, use a paragraph. If it's
tabular data, then use a table. If you want to make a division, use a
div, if you want to style a small piece of markup a certain way, use a
Remember that the WWW is not a piece of paper and that you are not in
control of what the user sees, hears, etc. All you can do is suggest.
The more rigid you become, the more your design will break.
Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
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