Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/19/06 20:00
TC wrote:
> Jonathan N. Little wrote:
>> Briefly, 'cuz this stinks of troll.
> Geez, check my bio & see if I look like a troll.
Not unheard of when this subject is raised, which is often.
> *But*, my question was in reference to this specific example table:
> http://102673.atspace.com/tables.htm
> My question was, what would be a specific, real-world benefit of
> changing *that table* to DIV's + CSS?
As with anything in life, no 1 unbreakable rule defines the universe. In
your specific case one could argue that it is tabular data
task | solutions
or a list as a Q&A. Out of a table you would be free to dress it up a
but if you wish but it certainly is suitable as a table. Now your main
page is another issue....
> TC (MVP MSAccess)
> http://tc2.atspace.com
The OP was speaking to a more general usage situation than your one
example. More to what you have done on your main page.
Take care,
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