Reply to Re: The natural space between inline list items?

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Posted by dorayme on 06/19/06 21:39

In article <Xns97E74C9375760stanmccann@>,
Stan McCann <> wrote:

> dorayme <> wrote in

> I learned this white space lesson long ago when putting pictures in
> table cells. For a long time, I couldn't figure out why pictures
> weren't right up against the border.

Yes, that is interesting. I probably would have missed this one
too. How can one bumble through life like this? Easy, by not
being too fussy perhaps?

Tell you the truth, am doing a new website for an organization
that is so busy they have not found time to send me the materials
I need to finish the job (time has slipped and my efforts to
encourage the flow have not yielded results). So I have gotten
worried and have compensated by fussing over fine details -
making like I am progressing! Things they would never notice in a
million years anyway. I did have a reasonably practical solution
to my "problem". But I must say, it gives me great satisfaction
to know an exact solution.


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