Reply to Re: Adding a WMV to a web page

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Posted by code_wrong on 06/19/06 21:57

"donh" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> This might be basic but could someone please point me in the right
> direction on how to add a WMV movie to a web page.
> Any advice on the best way of doing this, as well as any things to be
> weary of would be greatly appreciated.
this looks useful: see below
One thing to consider: The user should have the choice whether he/she will
download a large file. So maybe the embedding code below should be used on a
linked page .. (i.e. you tell the user what they are about to download, and
give them a link in case they want to follow it)
<object NAME="Player" WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="240" align="left" hspace="10"

<param NAME="URL" VALUE="yourfile.wmv><param>
<param NAME="AUTOSTART" VALUE="false"></param>
<param name="showControls" value="true"></param>

<embed WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="240" align="left" hspace="10" SRC="yourfile.wmv"
TYPE="application/x-oleobject" AUTOSTART="false">



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