Posted by Peter Olcott on 06/20/06 20:42
"Philip" <NikitaTheSpider@gmail.com> wrote in message
> In article <jSXlg.8663$f76.6813@dukeread06>,
> "Peter Olcott" <olcott@att.net> wrote:
>> "Philip" <NikitaTheSpider@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:NikitaTheSpider-78823A.15105420062006@news-rdr-02-ge0-1.southeast.rr.com.
>> > I see two possibilities. First, you might be able to get this
>> > information via Javascript. This page might point you in the right
>> > direction:
>> > http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/getstyles.html
>> >
>> > You might also want to consider creating a document and using Javascript
>> > to measure the size of the text in it.
>> >
>> > The second possibility is to write a browser plugin which means it is
>> > time for you to start hunting through the Plugin Writer's Guides for the
>> > browsers you intend to support. It is up to the individual browser
>> > whether or not they expose the kind of information you're looking for.
>> >
>> > Neither one of these methods is very portable from one browser to
>> > another. The first one might be somewhat portable, but the second is not
>> > at all.
>> I need to know this on a web-page by web-page basis. Since each web-page is
>> free
>> to determine how it will display itself, I need a very generic method. I
>> guess
>> that I would need to start with an exhaustively comprehensive list of every
>> possible way that any possible web-page could specify any of this
>> information.
> Both Javascript and a plugin could work on a page-by-page basis.
> You last sentence makes it sound like you intend to parse each page's
> HTML and CSS to determine what font(s) it is using. Is that the case?
> Because you'll end up reimplementing (quirks and all) a hefty chunk of
> the browser's parsing engine if that's the case.
What I am hoping to be able to do is to hook into the parsing engine and
directly retrieve the results of the parse.
> If you are willing to be less mysterious about the larger problem you're
> trying to solve, we might be able to provide better advice. As it is,
> we're left with a lot to guess at.
New product development requires secrecy because first to market could provide
the difference between success and failure.
> --
> Philip
> http://NikitaTheSpider.com/
> Bulk HTML validation, link checking and more
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