Posted by David Haynes on 06/20/06 20:48
msch-prv@bluewin.ch wrote:
> I am about to embark on creating a mid-size web project that heavily
> relies on db interactions.
> Since most pages will contain recurring form elements (input text
> boxes, dropdown boxes, radio buttons, submit forms, tables, etc.), I am
> thinking of using blocks to insert components to each page. All
> standard elements would be instances of form element classes. Calling
> up these objects would generate customized html code.
> Ex: a cbo box could be instantiated in a script via:
> <p>Select Customer:</p><?php creatElement($cboName, $cboCSS, $cboVal,
> $cboOpt, ..); ?>
> Would such an approach be more efficient that the traditional
> line-by-line approach wrt. debugging, maintenance, etc. ? (I really
> dread mixing php and html.). While I like Smarty's templating approach,
> it seems Smarty still requires linear coding to do code translation.
> I visualize html pages in terms of grids where cells could be filled up
> by html block components. Is this approach somewhat too fancy?
> Thanks for any insights,
> Mark
This approach is very similar to the Java tag libraries approach. You
may want to check out their design to piggy-back on their experience. I
would suggest that you especially look at the html taglib set.
The lack of polymorphism will be a bit of a hindrance but this can be
worked around by using arrays instead of individual function variables.
For example:
<p>Select Customer: <?php htmlSelect($attributes, $options);?>
Where $attributes is an associative array of tag=value for the
attributes of <select> and $options is an associative array for the
<option> attributes.
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