Posted by Sally Thompson on 06/21/06 13:42
On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 12:19:38 +0100, dorayme wrote
(in article <doraymeRidThis-9E6BFE.21193821062006@news-vip.optusnet.com.au>):
> In article
> <1150887037.240377.293420@r2g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
> "Chaddy2222" <rockradio2000@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>> Sally Thompson wrote:
>>> On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 18:02:21 +0100, Luigi Donatello Asero wrote
>>> (in article <xSVlg.5615$E02.1604@newsb.telia.net>):
>>> Firefox on a Mac, but specially for you <g> I looked in Safari as well, and
>>> the same thing happens. I can't be bothered to fire up my Windows machine,
>>> nor to look at the source.
>> I agree, his page is too long.
>> By the way how does http://freewebdesign.cjb.cc
>> Look on a Mac?
>> I don't have a Mac to check how it looks and the online checkers do not
>> always work that well.
> ...On a Mac, there would be no surprises for you.... it looks fine
Yes, it does look fine. The colours are a little bright for my taste but
that's probably my nice clean new monitor<g>. The only thing I noticed is
that the first link in your menu (Home) is just slightly to the left of the
header rather than lining up with the left-hand edge of it. I'm not sure if
this is intended. (Sorry, haven't looked at the source to see the why and
Sally in Shropshire, UK
bed and breakfast near Ludlow: http://www.stonybrook-ludlow.co.uk
Burne-Jones/William Morris window in Shropshire church:
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