Reply to Re: AOL and Jump Menus

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Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/22/06 13:09

James Hutton wrote:
> (cross-posted from Dreamweaver forums - no replies after a week or so)
> I've just completed a small site (DW 8.02), and on one of the pages is a
> jump menu with about 75 links on it. The jump menu is set to open each
> link in a new window. It seems to work within all browsers except AOL.
> According to the (rather garbled) phone message I took last night it
> appears to be a "runtime error" - do you wish to debug?
> I assume that this is something to do with the Javascript settings
> within AOL, however not having an AOL setup here does anyone know how to
> get it to work out of the box?

3 things:

1) Why do you bother with a "go" button if the form fires merely by a
change in the select box. Really annoying if you make the wrong
selection by error.

2) JavaScript only! Why isn't the "go" button at least a real submit
button so that the page would work without JavaScript?

3) Why always a new window? Popup windows are hotly debated here and
generally now considered bad design. Whether or not your subscribe to
this position coupled with issue #1 your page can very annoying spawning
new windows especially when created by error which is very easy to do
with the onchange event handler.

Take care,


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