Posted by Neredbojias on 06/23/06 07:39
To further the education of mankind, "Chris Tomlinson" <anon@anon.com>
>> I see something like <body onload="Preload Images...
> No that is just for the rollover buttons.
>> Do you "onload" the preloading of the "big page" as well?
> Well we would love to, but we are unable to find a way to 'onload'
> preload the next page (unless you use WebTV). If you know a way, do
> let us know!
> :)
Of course I do. But...
> As mentioned, we currently load the next big page in a hidden div
> :on:
> http://www.superhighstreet.com/George-Street-Richmond/splash
> and that is where the problem lies. Because it loads in the same
> page, it affects the mouse cursor and form entry user experience.
....What I don't know is how you load (or preload) a page into a div.
Pages just aren't loaded into divs; it isn't possible, barring something
wierd and non-html. On the other hand, perhaps you are loading the
_content_ of the (next) page into a div?? The what-looks-like FrontPage
javascript routines might possibly suck like the rest of Microsoft
>> Also, the page has no
>> doctype. Does it validate? I suspect not.
> Well based on your comment we have now added <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
> "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" > but can you please briefly
> mention the benefit of doing so as all the pages seem to work fine
> without this, in all browsers.
Unfortunately, I lack the eloquence, but if you don't know why you should
use a doctype and what the doctype should really be, briefness wouldn't
suffice, anyway.
> To summarise, I think our question should have been, "What is a better
> way to preload the big page, as the current way does not work
> satisfactorily".
As I intimated before: put whatever you want preloaded in the body's
onload event.
Infinity has its limits.
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