Posted by Nikko on 06/23/06 08:20
Hi jonathan, I agree completely with you but I can't change image size.
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> Nikko wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to do this with css?
>> I want to limit height image to a certain value:
>> If the original image's height is larger than desired value, show
>> image with height equals to desired value.
>> If the original image's height is smaller than desired value, do
>> nothing and show image with this original height size.
> Yes but don't. Please resample your images to the exact pixel dimension
> you require. Scaling images rather than resampling them means that even
> though they may appear smaller on the page you are still downloading the
> *whole full-size* image. Secondly the rescaling done by the browser is
> far poorer than the results from resampling the image, so it will look
> bad as well. Nothing stalls a dialup connection more than a page full of
> "thumbnails" that are 1000+ pixel images just scaled on the page!
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