Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/23/06 13:24
Jeff wrote:
> Hey
> This code works in IE, but not in FireFox, Opera, Netscape. I mean that in
> IE this CSS generates a border arround this UL, but in
> firefox/opera/netscape this border isn't shown, so I wonder what I must
> change to make this border visible in FireFox, Opera, netscape too.
> I uses PHP to I check what browser the user is using, so if the user are
> using IE I send IE dedicated CSS script and if the user are using FireFox I
> send Firefox dedicated CSS script... does it for Opera and Netscape also
> BTW, this .php passed validation at www.w3c.org (This Page Is Valid XHTML
> 1.0 Transitional!)
> Please, if you see what's wrong with my CSS script, then tell me what I must
> do to solve my problem
> Jeff
<code snipped>
Better for a url then code.
Simple question, what is the border color? But not sure why, but cause
all side are styled the same the shorthand
border: 1px dotted;
Take care,
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