Posted by Philip on 06/23/06 22:49
In article <1151093074.722918.57240@g10g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
royend@gmail.com wrote:
> Philip skrev:
> > Hi royend,
> > A sample URL or two would be most helpful.
> The pages are behind password protected area, and therefore I cannot
> give you any link.
> I guess the confusion is a result of me including an extra asp-file
> which includes an iFrame with a texteditor in one of the pages. Since
> then it has only accepted utf-8 as its charset in order to use
> international characters.
> The iFrame used utf-8, while I earlier used iso-8859-1 in my
> html_include.asp. I have changed this iFrame to use iso-8859-1, but it
> still ends up wrong when I use iso-8859-1 in my html_include.asp.
> Hopefully this didn't get confusing.
> Also, this link describes that many has the same problem:
> http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1521259&forum_id=257180
> (I am actually using this text-editor)
> But their solution can't be used on my system, as it would mean turning
> every page around...
Since you can't give me an example, I'll have to speculate on what's
going wrong here. My guess is that you've got a mix of encodings here,
and that's what's causing your problem. As general advice, I'd say
commit to using UTF-8 which is more flexible than ISO-8859-1. If you're
willing to stick to Norwegian (or most Western European) only,
ISO-8859-1 will do.
Whatever encoding you decide to use, make sure that your text editor is
saving files in that encoding. Next, make sure that the code that's
pulling stuff out of the database writes its HTML in your chosen
encoding. And make sure your database uses and encoding that doesn't
mangle the non-ASCII characters that you put into it. Last but not
least, make sure that your Web pages' encoding is specified in only one
place. It is a common mistake on Web pages to send one encoding in the
HTTP header and then specify another in the HTML which can cause
mysterious problems. My web site (in my sig) can identify that problem
for you if you have a public URL.
If this (admittedly vague) advice doesn't resolve your problem, you'll
have to come back with a public example or a more specific explanation
of what's going wrong. For instance, "it has only accepted utf-8 as its
charset in order to use international characters" doesn't tell me what
problem you're having. Something like "When I use international
character "X", it displays like this on my screen (URL to screenshot)"
is more helpful.
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