Posted by Neredbojias on 06/24/06 04:17
To further the education of mankind, dorayme
<doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> vouchsafed:
>> > dorayme wrote:
> stuff...
>> > did you even read what you wrote? it was completely irrelevant to
>> > anything anyone said in this thread. i mean, aristotle was a great
>> > guy, i'm sure. but what you said was crazy talk. the stealth
>> > bomber is not aerodynamic? are you retarded?
>> No, it's a kind of mystique. She's always like that.
> I must have missed our friend Edelman's post? What gave him the
> slightest idea that I had thought the stealth bomber
> was aerodynamic. He must have missed the bit where I said it was
> not and also the bit where the fact that it was not was the
> relevant fact to the issue at hand. And also JL's explantion.
Hmm, I suspect he may have diagreed, though.
> Boji, instead of licking your wounds over thumbnails and making
> low innuendoes, why don't you try explain these things to these
> really really really straight guys that flit in every now and
> again and think I am totally mad, be honourable and defend me. I
> sometimes have time to do it myself but in the next two weeks I
> need help. In return I will ask my mate Officer Bud White to go a
> bit easy on you.
Are you asking me to be a <cringe /> gentleman? -For 2 weeks? Well, you
caught me in a "funny" mood. I just got through watching "A Beautiful
Mind". Though it quite good. And anything is possible.
Infinity has its limits.
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