Posted by strawberry on 06/24/06 15:17
It's true that this is probably just eyecandy - but it won't make your
site unusable in other browsers. If you view gmail (who probably think
of themselves as 'serious') through Firefox, it works fine - you just
don't see the ellipsis.
Jan Thomä wrote:
> On 23 Jun 2006 07:31:01 -0700 strawberry wrote:
> > text-overflow: ellipsis
> >
> > Note that only IE (and maybe Safari) supports this functionality.
> Which makes it a no-go for any serios kind of webpage. Stick to CSS
> standards and don't make your site unuseable for the sake of some eyecandy
> which gets dull after 3 times looking at it...
> Best regards,
> Jan Thomä
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