Posted by planotravel.net on 06/25/06 04:02
h7qvnk7q001 wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a simple server-side form validation (No
> Javascript). If the user submits a form with errors, I want to
> redisplay the same form with the errors highlighted. Once the form is
> correct I need to submit to another page that uses the form data.
My solution for the recently started project was the following:
Create three .php files
1.php - (to initialize form variables) with a call to an A(2) function
in 2.php with default parameters (0 for error variable, and an array of
form elements)
- 1.php is called when the user enters the form page
2.php - (to print out and control the form) with the A(2) function that
takes those two arguments
- echo "<form action=3.php method=post>";
- for each required field use:
if ($error & n).{ echo "..."; } //where n is an error bit, e.g.,
1,2,4,8,16,32 and so on.
else { echo "..."; }
- for all fields use interpolated array[x] value to , e.g., echo
"<input type=text value=\"{$array["value"]}\">; - to return any
previously entered data after page reload
3.php - with a B() form validation function (checker) that is first
called in 3.php
- create, initialize and fill out the $array of form variables with
user input
- $error = 0; check the form data, assign $error a bit (1,2,4,8 etc.)
if an error is found
- if ($error != 0) { A(2); } else { do smth.,e,g, C(a,b,c); }
- in 1.php and 3.php first do
include '2.php';
PS Go to http://www.planotravel.net, request a quote (yellow image),
randomly fill out the form with errors, submit and see how it works.
Good luck and Regards,
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