Reply to Re: Change number of options shown in drop down list

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Posted by Benjamin Niemann on 06/25/06 12:16 wrote:

> I have a drop down menu on my page that contains over 40 options. When
> expanded the list shows 30 options and stretches to the top of the
> page. Is there any way to limit the number of options shown at one time
> when the list is expanded? I have tried <select size=10> but this
> changes the drop list to a scrolling list.

How a SELECT control is displayed is browser dependend. Some browsers use
the corresponding control as it is supplied by the operating system. The
possibilities to modify such controls are very limited and vary from
browser to browser.

If the options can be structured into smaller groups, you could use OPTGROUP
to markup the option list. Some browsers then create dropdown menus with
submenus for each OPTGROUP (but Konquerer for example still creates a
single long list...).

Perhaps a completely different approach may the better, but you have to
supply a URL to your page, before more could be said.

Benjamin Niemann
Email: pink at odahoda dot de

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