Posted by gjoneshtfc on 06/25/06 13:12
Thanks Benjamin,
>From what i read i thought that this was the case but hoped there was a
workaround. As it turns out i am starting to like the scroll list
approach and so will implement that in my website.
Thanks again,
Benjamin Niemann wrote:
> wrote:
> > I have a drop down menu on my page that contains over 40 options. When
> > expanded the list shows 30 options and stretches to the top of the
> > page. Is there any way to limit the number of options shown at one time
> > when the list is expanded? I have tried <select size=10> but this
> > changes the drop list to a scrolling list.
> How a SELECT control is displayed is browser dependend. Some browsers use
> the corresponding control as it is supplied by the operating system. The
> possibilities to modify such controls are very limited and vary from
> browser to browser.
> If the options can be structured into smaller groups, you could use OPTGROUP
> to markup the option list. Some browsers then create dropdown menus with
> submenus for each OPTGROUP (but Konquerer for example still creates a
> single long list...).
> Perhaps a completely different approach may the better, but you have to
> supply a URL to your page, before more could be said.
> --
> Benjamin Niemann
> Email: pink at odahoda dot de
> WWW:
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