Posted by Harlan Messinger on 06/25/06 13:27
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> Event handlers attached by 'addEventListener' do not seem to pass values
> in time to cancel form submission unlike the methods that it is supposed
> to replace. In an attempt to keep the markup as clean as possible, I add
> the handlers from the attached javascript page and I have noticed the
> trouble. Small demo to illustrate:
> "">
> <html><head><title>Attached Events</title>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> function cancelIt(){
> alert("This should cancel the form submission");
> return false;
> }
> function init(){
> var e = document.getElementById('findme');
> if(e.addEventListener){
> e.addEventListener('click', cancelIt, false);
> }
> else if(_s.attachEvent){ //MS IE support
> a.attachEvent("onclick", cancelIt);
What are _s and a?
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