Posted by Jim Higson on 07/02/06 10:04
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> Yes, it can.
> But there is some example at W3 with
> subsection
> <DIV class="subsection" id="forest-habitat" >
> http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/global.html
Personally, I would call that bad style. Not *that* bad, but not great. A
subsection is a section in a section, so selecting with a style rule like:
..section .section
This does just the same but, apart from using fewer class names, has a
couple of benefits.
The main advantage is that the script to output the HTML for a section
doesn't have to care what level the section will be in the hierarchy - you
can have the same code to output a feature regardless of if it will end up
as a top-level section or a subsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsection :)
This is why XHTML2 doesn't have h1, h2 ... h9 tags - it just has one header
tag, and the level of the header is defined by how many section tags it has
as ancestors. So this CSS selector for XHTML2:
section section header
is this same as this one for HTML4:
So, under XHTML2 it will be impossible to improperly nest your headings,
which I think is rather neat.
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