Reply to OT [was Re: <ul class="subsubsection" id="domaener">]

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Posted by PeterMcC on 07/02/06 13:44

jojo wrote in

> Luigi Donatello Asero schrieb:
>> "dorayme" <> skrev i meddelandet
>>> In article <umDpg.7137$>,
>>> "Luigi Donatello Asero" <> wrote:
>>>>> At the moment, even our recently arrived Italian migrants would
>>>>> not dare to say what you just said. The mood of the country is
>>>>> not right. There is talk of war.
>>>> Which country?
>>> Do you mean witch country?
>>> Eliza
>> Did you not live on Mars?
> Would you mind to move your discussion to Not that
> I'm not interested in that topic (although there is no need to
> discuss: Germany will win th cup!!!!!), but there are groups to
> discuss that exact topic, so why don't you use them??

A word to the wise - it might be an acceptable risk to annoy a Martian,
though War of the Worlds would suggest otherwise, (sorry dorayme, didn't
really want to mention that particular unpleasantness), but to take a chance
on upsetting Luigi...

....tread carefully.


And a more serious suggestion - it's helpful to draw folk's attention when
the f'ups have been reset.

If you feel that any of the above is incorrect,
inappropriate or offensive in any way,
please ignore it and accept my apologies.

[Back to original message]

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