Posted by Meowchie on 07/02/06 17:36
On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:35:29 -0400, Daedalus <jade@netkooks.org>
>On Tue, 27 Jun 2006 20:05:15 -0500, CMP
><cmpierce@NOSPAMcreativeveritas.com> wrote:
>>In article <skf3a2d01qjbn8n0j832lsuapvcvb2vhlm@4ax.com>, Onideus Mad
>>Hatter <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
>>> >No, my post would be the result of boredom, not concern. There is a
>>> >huge difference. Sorry.
>>> >*shrugs*
>>> >
>>> >And trust me, your post was more boring than most.
>>> >
>>> >If you want to talk about graphics, then I'm interested. If you want to
>>> >talk about world events, go for it. If you want to talk about
>>> >technology, I'm all ears.
>>> >
>>> >But if your sole purpose in posting is just to try pathetically to bait
>>> >a flame war or humiliate someone . . . well, in that case. Fuck off.
>>> Dave's just lashing out blindly cause he got all messed up by dat mean
>>> 'ol Mad Hatter. Perhaps it wasn't so nice of me to continually hound
>>> him about his "intrusive suicidal ideations" or his rambling on about
>>> how he wants to kill his neighbors or all the anti-psychotic meds 'n
>>> shit that he admitted to being on or the fact that he's going to a
>>> psychiatrist to try and "help him through it all"...yeah...I'm a right
>>> bastard...but hey, bastardly is a growth industry. ^_^
>>I really don't care why Dave was posting or what you did to him. It was
>>a stupid, pathetic bid for attention and here lately especially, it's a
>>waste of my and everyone else's time.
>They should avoid reading posts they know are going to waste their
>time. It works!
>> I'm tired
>>ot Stupids who just feel the need to broadcast their inadequacies,
I'm not good at metaphysics. /sob
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