Reply to Re: International character dissapears from FORM

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Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 07/04/06 22:53 <> scripsit:

> I am having problems sending values from a simple FORM to a database.

We all do. Use UTF-8, Luke, but make sure your form handler can actually
process UTF-8 encoded data.

> It worked for several years, but now it won't accept international
> characters.

Quite mysterious, isn't it? You surely have much more details about the
issue than we do, so the odds of getting help without telling more are

> This means that the Norwegian word for boat "BÅT" ends up
> like "BT" since the "Å" isn't sent.

Actually, "Å" is a rather _national_ character, used in a few languages
only. Sorry, this is just my usual ranting about the misguided term
"international" when it means "national" (or "other than English").

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

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