Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 07/04/06 23:09
Nospam <> scripsit:
> I have a few javascripts. I would like to show a certain script
> based on the country ip of the viewer, how would I achieve this? is
> there html I could use to run the javascript based on the country ip?
Why would you _show_ a certain script?
In almost all cases like this, an analysis of the problem reveals that it's
not really about country but language. So the problem definition is wrong,
and we don't even need to consider all the pitfalls in solving the wrong
In any case, telling the _real_, original problem and illustrating it with a
URL would at least give you a working chance of getting a useful solution.
F'ups trimmed.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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